Home Trial Filing A Motion To Discover

Filing A Motion To Discover

Filing A Motion To Discover

A motion to discover is a kind of judicial procedure which can arise in the course of a court case. In filing a motion to discover, the litigant responsible will accordingly ask the court to provide the ability to compel the other litigant to furnish the motion holder with access to previously unavailable information. 
A motion to discover may be accepted by the court and provided to the litigant on the basis of it appearing to refer to information which might be plausibly conjectured to be relevant to the judicial proceedings under way. As such, this motion documentation will be provided to the opposing litigant or to his or her legal representatives, involved in conducting the particular court case under consideration, naming some item of information and possibly any kind of documentation or other form of evidence pertaining to it. A motion to discover may thus impel a litigant to assist the other party with his or her case.